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Almost 11 Month Ampuversary

Posted by: | May 31, 2015 | 9 Comments |

Well, things have been quite busy here! I’m a teacher and the year is wrapping up really fast! I don’t have the right certification to keep teaching at this school, so I’ve been job hunting. I hate not knowing where I’m going to live. I know I can continue to live here or with my parents if need be, but I’m really ready to find a place of my own that I can design however I want to.

Smore recently went in for a weight check on the 13th so we could start Cosequin. The last time she went in to see the vet (in January), she was 9 pounds and 10 oz, and Cosequin doses change at 10 pounds. I don’t have a scale that works, so I figured I’d bring her in to see her weight. I had the vet do a general check up while we were there too since she had started to get a lumpy belly. Turns out she’s just one of those cats that has the tummy flab. I was really hoping she wouldn’t be, but oh well.

Turns out she weighs 10 pounds now. She was 3 pounds and something when I first found her. My vet clinic is run by a husband and wife. The husband is who originally saw Smore and who has dealt with her the most, but he hasn’t seen her in a while.Β He told me he was surprised she turned out to be so large and said he thought she’d easily be a 12 pound cat if she still had her other leg. Apparently she’s at a good weight for her frame though. She’s just big boned I guess. He’s hoping I can keep her at that weight.

He was really pleased with how she looked and how she’s grown. She was officially a year old by our estimates in either March or April. And next month we will be celebrating her first gotcha day and her first year ampuversary!

For our dogs’ birthdays, I always just gave them a can of dog food as a special treat. Smore has wet food at night though, so I’m not sure what to do to make the days extra special. I know she probably won’t know the difference, but I want to celebrate somehow.


What do you all do to celebrate ampuversaries and gotcha days?

under: Uncategorized


  1. By: benny55 on May 31, 2015 at 8:27 pm      Reply

    ICE CREAM AND A FROSTED CUPCAKE!!! Yeah, that would be a great way to celebrate GOTCHA ‘ DAY!!

    GOSH! AMPUVERSARY…BIRTHDAY…GOTCHA’ DAY….a whole lot to celebrate for sweet Smore!!

    Thanks for the update! So glad things are gping well. And I always love looking at Smore’s banner…breathtaking and so peaceful!

    And you’ll be guided to the right place for you and Smore to live…..just trust.



    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    • By: tinav323 on June 1, 2015 at 5:36 am      Reply

      Well I could totally enjoy ice cream and cupcakes with my nieces, but I don’t think Smore would like it.

      And yes, it is a peaceful banner.

      Thanks for visiting!

  2. By: Anonymous on May 31, 2015 at 9:07 pm      Reply

    My kitty likes canned milk or half and half as a treat.

    • By: tinav323 on June 1, 2015 at 5:36 am      Reply

      I didn’t think cats were supposed to drink milk.

  3. By: kazann on May 31, 2015 at 11:02 pm      Reply

    I’d love to see a photo of big Smore. More Smore please. May I have S’More photos?

    My cats love being fed dental kibbles by hand in my bed.

    Congratulations to both of you.

    Kerren and Tripawd Mona

    • By: tinav323 on June 1, 2015 at 5:38 am      Reply

      Lol! I was going to attach a photo but they’re on my phone. I’ll see if I can get one uploaded today though. πŸ™‚

      Dental kibbles? Like greenies?

  4. By: jerry on June 1, 2015 at 10:46 pm      Reply

    It’s OK Smore, I have a lumpy belly too!

    Hoppy ampuversary/gotcha day precious. I think for this one some canned salmon might be appropriate?

    We normally celebrate these occasions with a special homemade biscuit from a gourmet doggy store, I know you wouldn’t like that, but maybe some fresh fish might rock your world?

    • By: tinav323 on June 19, 2015 at 1:28 pm      Reply

      Fresh fish might work. I also saw some like dried chicken strips or something in a pet store once. Maybe those will be lovely. πŸ™‚

      She’s lost some weight since she’s been on her adult food. She actually looks really good now! Her lumpy belly seems to be gone; mine, however, is still there. LOL

  5. By: kazann on June 21, 2015 at 4:02 pm      Reply

    Dental kibbles are large kibbles that supposedly scrape the tarter off when they bite into them. I think something like greenies. They are basically the same as their regular kibble that I feed them and they think they are special when I feed them in bed. Cats are easy to fool, just change the setting.

    The only other “treat” I’d consider is wet kitten food – Mona loved it after her amputation but I wouldn’t give it to them in bed – it could be messy.

    Kerren and Trikitty Mona

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