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7 months a tripawd!

Posted by: | January 29, 2015 | 3 Comments |

Smore became a tripawd 28 weeks ago! It seems hard to believe she’s been around that long let alone a tripawd for so long! Time really does fly, and tripawds really do adjust quite well.

She’s put on weight, too much of it really.  I’m hoping after winter, she’ll slim down again. The vet said her food intake is spot on, and there’s not much you can do with cats because they can control their own metabilsm, which makes weight control difficult. She’s also been spayed, which could contribute to it. Who knows? All I know is it obvious worries me, but what can I do? She gets her exercise playing, and she eats right.

I’m hoping to find a new job this summer and move to my own place where I can let Smore go where she pleases.

after losing my dog, I also realized that in the end,  I want there to be lots of photos. Photos of my dogs are all scattered in albums and sd cards. Therefore,  I made an instagram acciunt just for Smore,  and I’ve been taking daily photos of her and posting most of them (at the beginnimg I wasn’t so good at that!). As long as instagram doesn’t die, I’ll have a vidual record of her life, and if it does die, I have the backups saved on my tablet. If you want to follow, it’s smorethetripawd. I’d love to see more tripawd photos! Ok, nontripawds are cute too, lol.

And, as always, a photo though it’s not current.

(Media uploader won’t work on my tablet, so that’s a link to recent instagram photo…)

– Tina and Smore


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  1. By: jerry on January 29, 2015 at 11:05 pm      Reply

    YAAAY! Hoppy Ampuversary Smore! You are rockin’ and rollin and living the life.

    Glad to see you in IG. Sorry the photo uploader doesn’t work on the tablet, we hope it will soon.

  2. By: benny55 on January 30, 2015 at 11:52 pm      Reply

    I always lpve seeing Smore’s banner on the blog…it is so breathtaking!

    I know you’ve had a rough time ith the loss of your beloved dog. I hope the happier memories are starting to surface more and more…it just takes time.

    Yeah, spaying sometimes seems to make dogs and cats get a little “fluffier”! Sounds like she’s doing fine and that’s all that matters!!

    HAPPY AMPUVERSARY SMORE!! Well done sweet kitty, well do e!! Keep’em coming! I love you way you are chronicling Smore’s journey with photos…good idea!

    Extra catnip for Smore!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  3. By: Codie Rae on February 2, 2015 at 9:04 pm      Reply

    Happy Hippy Hoppy Ampuversary Smore! You are totally rockin’ this tripawd thang. Love your mom’s photo a day idea and OMD you are sure photogenic!

    Codie Rae and the Oaktown Pack

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