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almost 3 months!

Posted by: | October 2, 2014 | 9 Comments |

It’s been 11 weeks as of today since Smore had her surgery. I had every intention of posting daily or at least weekly, but my Internet is limited and apparently the first site to be blocked is this one when my data expires. It also loads pretty slow even when I do have some. Stupid rural internet.

calico in chair

Relaxing in my chair

Smore went in for her last set of kitten shots a month ago and weight 6 pounds,  6 ounces.

She’s got her own ramp up to her window and lots of toys. She’s become less cuddly as she’s gotten older. She doesn’t lay in my lap anymore. Instead she lies on the ottoman in front of me for pets. She still enjoys to he petted, and she loves to be brushed. If you get her brush out, she goes up to it and starts brushing herself.

Her favorite toy is a knockoff beanie baby whale. She carries it around and then bunny kicks it. She throws it around too. She gets pretty excited about it, and I’m not gonna lie, it’s adorable. She still runs quickly and is just living life to the fullest. She’s going to be 7 months I think this month. It seems hard to believe how much time has passed.

cat with stuffed whale

Having a whale of a time

I was so upset when they said she needed to have it aamputated. However, Smore is happy and healthy, and I couldn’t be happier with the decision I made.

She is starting to get more vocal, especially during our evening play. I think she’s trying to ask for her canned food, but I could be wrong.

I’ve missed you all. Hopefully everyone is doing well too. Eventually I’ll finish her ribbon and send it in. Maybe this weekend I’ll upload some videos of Smore playing. Shes super cute. Her second favorite toy is a stick with string that has different attachments. She enjoys the attachments, but she’d much rather prefer to chase the string. 🙂

Smore's expression when she's hyper

Smore’s expression when she’s hyper

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  1. By: jerry on October 2, 2014 at 9:39 pm      Reply

    Smooooooore! There you are silly kitty! Looks like life is being sooo good to you (well other than the interwebs problem, we know how that goes), that’s pawesome. I would love to see a video of you bunny kicking the Whale! Promise you’ll post that sometime?

    • By: tinav323 on October 3, 2014 at 5:49 am      Reply

      You know, I try to get pictures of her with her whale, but I’ve never considered just video taping it. Duh!

  2. By: Codie Rae on October 2, 2014 at 10:24 pm      Reply

    Smore kitty you are sooooo cute! So hoppy you are doing so well! Get your mama to post those videos for sure!

    Codie Rae

    • By: tinav323 on October 3, 2014 at 5:50 am      Reply

      I will as soon as I get one. I never seem to have my phone near me when I need it!

  3. By: Melinda P on October 3, 2014 at 1:34 am      Reply

    Awww Smore! You are way too cute!!

    It’s so fantastic to hear she is doing so well 🙂 How is she getting along with your dog? You mentioned being on the ottoman…has she moved into the house now? I know you posted previously about being worried about having her in the house.

    I hope your internet doesn’t keep you away too much and we hear from you again soon 🙂

    • By: tinav323 on October 3, 2014 at 5:51 am      Reply


      Unfortunately she’s still in the garage. It’s just more cozy and really no longer a garage now though. It’s her cat cave. She doesn’t seem to like dogs. It’s the only thing that stops her purring.

  4. By: kazann on October 3, 2014 at 11:38 am      Reply

    It’s great to hear Smore is doing so well. If its any consolation the cuddling may come back. Mona, a front leg amputee also quit voluntarily cuddling (where she initiates it) after her surgery. Suddenly now with cooler days and 4 months after the surgery she is back on my lap every night. I think she was too hot to cuddle in the summer also her body is still recovering from the surgery. Remember young cats are full of beans and aren’t always in cuddle mode. I had Rocky, brought home by another cat, who I couldn’t touch for over 1 year and he turned into a fabulous cuddler. Smore sure is adorable!

    • By: tinav323 on October 3, 2014 at 5:27 pm      Reply

      That gives me hope. I enjoy the cuddles. It was therapeutic in a way. Sometimes I wonder if it’s just because I’m not sitting on the floor with her anymore or if it was because she was so young and undernourished and probably weaker or if she’s just gained confidence and independence.

      how is Mona doing?

    • By: kazann on October 5, 2014 at 12:47 pm      Reply

      Mona is doing great, certainly not as active as Smore but she rolls around with feathers and ribbons. Having one less leg hasn’t slowed her down – she can run as fast but the walk is slower and she now sits up an her hind legs. All the best to you, Smore and your dog.

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