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Healing and Favorite Place to Relax

Posted by: | August 3, 2014 | 6 Comments |

At only 3-4 months old, Smore obviously has energy to spare, so I did my best to let her burn off her energy without doing anything to tear out her stitches. I was shocked by how soon she began playing as if she had never even had four legs to begin with.

On Sunday I actually recorded a video of her playing with a toy mouse to send to my mother, who was very anti-amputation because she didn’t think it was a good quality of life. Remember, the surgery happened on Thursday. You wouldn’t have known that if you watched the video however. She acted completely normal. She continued to act like an ordinary kitten as well, and it was obvious that she was becoming used to the medicines’ effects or something because she didn’t act stoned for much longer. She never acted as though she was in any pain either. When I figure out how to upload it/get more internet data, I will post a video of it.

I read that some cats pretty much hide for the duration of their healing. Smore did not read that. I was fully prepared to let her hide in several locations. There were at least 3 boxes for her to hide away in and her carrier (but what cat would want to go back in there after this experience?).

So where was her favorite place to hang out?

My lap. To be honest, it’s still actually her favorite place to go. This kitten will actually prefer to cuddle over eating. I usually have to pet her for a while and then set her in front of her bowl or she’ll just come back to me. Didn’t I say this kitten was sweet? 🙂


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  1. By: trituck on August 3, 2014 at 7:20 am      Reply

    What a wonderful update!

    So glad that Smore is loving life on three legs.

    Give her a snuggle for me!


    Linda and Tucker

    • By: tinav323 on August 3, 2014 at 11:43 pm      Reply

      Thanks! I will. She’s got plenty of snuggles to go around, haha!

  2. By: jerry on August 3, 2014 at 4:35 pm      Reply

    Awwww that is the BEST recovery spot! She’s such a spunky little gal, nothing is going to slow her down.

    The best way to add video in your blog is to start a YouTube account, then you can embed your videos here.

    • By: tinav323 on August 3, 2014 at 11:45 pm      Reply

      You have no idea how spunky she is! She’s got so much energy. You can’t tell she’s missing a leg with how fast and hyper she is.

      And thanks. I figured that’s what I needed to do. Just gotta get it uploaded when I have more internet data.

  3. By: kazann on August 3, 2014 at 4:55 pm      Reply

    Ahhh, Smore is so cute! I haven’t had a kitten in my house for many years so forget how much energy they have – play, play, the sleep in order to play again. You are so lucky to have found each other.

    I look forward to the video.

    Kerren & Mona

    • By: tinav323 on August 3, 2014 at 11:48 pm      Reply

      Thanks! She definitely melted my heart and she’s got more energy than me and my dog put together!

      She has been quite the lucky kitty. Vet that did surgery actually put her birthday down as St Patricks day. I think it fits for her given everything she’s been through at such a young age. Thought about calling her Lucky but vet said it’s an unlucky name lol

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